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Japan Association for Smart Cities in ASEAN (JASCA) Seminar and Business Matching 2023

Organizers and speakers posed for a group photo at the Japan Association for Smart Cities in ASEAN (JASCA) Seminar and Business Matching event held at the Redtop Hotel on November 21, 2023.

Date : 18 December 2023


What We Do In That Event ?

Jakarta – Jakarta – In October 2019, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MLIT), in conjunction with associated ministries, founded the Japan Association for Smart Cities in ASEAN (JASCA). JASCA held a smart city seminar and business matching on November 21st 2023, at the Redtop Hotel and Convention Center, Jakarta, which highlighted efforts to facilitate information exchange between public and private entities.

It emphasized the integration of Japanese technologies and services while strengthening collaboration within the ASEAN Smart City Network (ASCN). With an impressive gathering of about 150 participants, it was a vibrant and insightful gathering. Mr. Seiichi Onodera, Deputy Minister for International Projects at Japan's MLIT, along with Mr. Amran Jamaluddin, ASCN Chair at Indonesia's Ministry of Home Affairs, inaugurated the event.

During the event, Nippon Koei provided a speaker in the initial session, focusing on the topic "Mobility as a Strategy”. Mr. Kenichi Kouchi, Senior Executive Engineer, presented and showcased Nippon Koei's interdisciplinary expertise aimed at offering comprehensive solutions that address complex challenges within the mobility and urban development sectors. He highlighted a collaborative initiative with PT Jaklingko Indonesia, introducing a proof of concept for utilizing Mobility as a Service App data for business insights. This endeavor aims to evaluate data insights derived from the application.

Mr. Kenichi Kouchi elucidated Nippon Koei's array of business domains to a seminar attendee visiting the Nippon Koei booth.

Furthermore, Nippon Koei held a business matching booth to foster discussions among participants from both JASCA members and Indonesian companies. The objective was to explore potential collaborations in Smart City-related sectors and businesses, facilitating collective efforts towards smart city development in Indonesia.

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