Lower Solo River Improvement Project (Phase I & II)
River Improvement Works : Dikes: 492 km
Revetment : 23,000 m,
Sluiceway with Gates : 250 nos., - Bridges: 11 New and 7 Raising
Retarding Basin : 110 million m3 for Flood and Water Supply
Bojonegoro Barrage : Water Supply (Capacity: 13 million m3, El: 15.50 m)
Jabung Ring Dyke : Flood Control and Water Supply (H: 4-7 m, El: 15.50 m
Capacity: 13 million m3)
Telemetering System : Installation of Flood Forecasting and Warning System (FFWS)
Covering the whole Solo River basin
The Solo River is the longest river in Java Island. It collects rainwater from a catchment area of 16,000 km2 and drains into the Java Sea north of Surabaya. The basin is topographically divided into three sub-basins: the Upper Solo River basin, the Madiun River basin, and the Lower Solo River basin. The Lower Solo River basin, covering around 12% of Java Island, has a concentrated population. It contains many of the country’s most important industries and lies in a geographically important region adjacent to the nation’s second largest city of Surabaya.
The Lower Solo River has been one of the most important water resources for the region and has supported the region’s economic development. However, the Lower Solo River has frequently brought floods to the basin. The project aims at an overall integrated basin development for both flood control and water resources development to contribute to the stabilization of public welfare and to accelerate agricultural activity and economic development at the national and regional levels.
Phase 2 : 2006 - 2017
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