Feasibility Study for the Integrated Spatial Plan for the MAMMINASATA Metropolitan Area Project
we have conducted pre-feasibility studies for the following priority projects :
1. Improvement of Water Supply System in Maros and Takalar Regencies,
2. Improvement of Land fill Site for Solid Waste Management,
3. Substation Expansion and Distribution System Rehabilitation,
4. Improvement of Perintis-Urip Road.
The MAMMINASATA Metropolitan Area consists of Makassar City, one of the seven largest cities in Indonesia in terms of population (1.2 million in 2002), and the surrounding districts of Takalar, Maros, and Gowa. The Study Area sustains economic activities in Sulawesi Island and plays the role of a long-distance transportation hub in Eastern Indonesia.
The MAMMINASATA Area has been developed in a less coordinated manner, causing inefficient land use and disorder in development planning. In 2003, a provincial legislation called the “Guideline on Spatial Planning for MAMMINASATA Metropolitan Area” was enacted. On the other hand, the Act for Spatial Planning is under revision, and the Ministry of Public Works is preparing a guideline for regional spatial planning under the principle of decentralization (Otonomi Daerah).
To support the Government of Indonesia (GOI) in having an Integrated Spatial Plan for the MAMMINASATA Area, JICA is undertaking the Study in close cooperation with concerned relevant authorities of GOI.
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